The Good One´s :
Thimios (Greece) thimios[at]
Hz (Croatia) kr_hz[at]
Max Butcher (Yugoslavia) butcher[at]eunet.yu
Hans Backx (Netherlands)h_backx[at]
Karlos Solskar (Spain) solkar_saruman[at]
Natalie (UK)[at]
Cüneyt (Turkey) zerothh[at]
Sergio (Portugal) virtual_collapse[at]
Agris (Latvia) creator[at]
Antanas (Lithuania) metal_mp3_666[at]
Dave (USA) iron_maiden80[at]
OffSet (Spain) offset_cc[at]
Ken (USA) mdtrader[at]
Razzle (USA) razzle[at]
Stanislav (Bulgaria) stan[at]
Andrew (Greece) bleedingchaos[at]
Shariq (Poland) shariq[at]
Istarl (Sweden) istari[at]
Mordred (Portugal) mordred[at]
Samuel (Poland) samuel_aod[at]
metal666 (Italy) mettal666[at]
Edwin (Germany) edwin[at]
Jens (Germany) samael_kc[at]
Piotr (Poland) metalheart[at]
Pes (Poland) pes[at]
Andreas (Germany) mail[at]
Pekka (Finnland) psippola[at]
Dave (Canada) dave68a[at]
Joe (USA) notanexit[at]
Aragorn (Poland) AragornBG[at]
David (Germany) maximum_metal[at]
Nuno (Portugal) napas_[at]
Warrel (Brasil) wrsouza[at]
Sergio (Poland) vanaheim[at]
Fabio (Italy) fabio.valentini[at]
Martin (Czech Republic) martin[at]
Patrick (Netherlands) p.soppe[at]
H.M.M. (Japan) heavymetalmaniacjp[at]
$em$ang (Brasil) doente69[at]
Emilio (Argentinia) videoscd[at]
Thomas (Germany) thomas.waltner[at]
Corey6sic6 (Germany) DAM1EN[at]
Wim (Netherlands) wdevr[at]
Panos (Greece) crimsonglory1979[at]
Ronnie (USA) torrots[at]
Predatored (Netherlands) predatored[at]
Oldschool (Turkey) world_crimson[at]
Gogsi (Hungary) gogsi[at]
Nicola (Italia) maidenart99[at]
Andreas (Germany) rrume[at]
Sven (Germany) svemu[at]
Bram (Netherlands) deathrider_79[at]
Darren (USA) Kaoswar[at]
Fotiz (Greece) appetite_for_democracy[at]
Hellwitch (USA) hellwitch666[at]
Eric (Sweden) blackend666[at]
Hitman (Netherlands) vitus_frank[at]
The Bad One:
LordLaFey (Germany)
c/o Ingo Steinbach
Wagnerstrasse 25
46459 Rees-Millingen
Handy 0160/8190230